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Nishabd Healing

Discover The “New You”, You Never Knew

The 'Happier' You!

Banish Stress and Anxiety from your Life

The 'Joyful' You

Be more Creative, Confident & Lively

The 'Calmer' You

Improve your overall Well-Being

The 'Kind-er' You!

Overcome Challenges, Improve Relationships &
Enjoy your Life

Nishabd Healing

Nishabd Healing, Babita Chaudhary

Nishabd Healing is a dynamic practice that combines the power of multiple modalities into one. While conventional therapy can help people understand the patterns of their past, the Nishabd healing approach helps clients move forward towards their goals and future. Our action-oriented approach helps clients create conscious tools that they can utilize on a daily basis, while also tapping deeper into their subconscious mind which allows clients to create behavioral shifts that empower them in their lives.

Babita Chaudhary is an esteemed spiritual teacher and healer, extending her expertise internationally to individuals and groups alike. With a focus on holistic modalities such as vastu, numerology, and astrology, Babita guides profound and immersive voyages towards self-realization and discovery.


Book an individual session focused on enhancing your holistic health, well-being, and vitality.

I Have Experience With…


Get rid of your negative thought patterns & inadequate beliefs that stop you from living the life you desire by becoming in control of your actions to fulfil your resolutions.

Relationship Therapy

Resolve your troubled relationships and strengthen your bond with your partner by learning to tackle communication problems, familial conflicts & emotional problems.

Child Therapy

Empower your child to recover from past traumas, difficulty in handling & expressing emotions by understanding their perspective as a parent.

Fertility Therapy

Find the solution to your deep-seated psychological & emotional issues in your daily life and overcome challanges through Fertility therapy. Resolve the issue from the core through the subconscious to bring a positive change.

Inner Child Therapy

Re-discover the power of your subconscious mind to uncover the causes of your ‘unexplained’ behaviours as an adult such as substance abuse, people-pleasing nature, hoarding problems, constant self-criticism & fleeting motivation.

Age Regression Therapy

Revert to a younger state of mind, recall your memories of trauma or painful events, get healed through regression therapy and feel less stressed and more open.

Anxiety, Depression & Stress Healing

Rediscover your inner strength & Re-wire your mind to build resilience towards stress, anxiety and depression.

Past Life regression

Connect with the unhealed issues of your past life that are manifesting in your present as fear, anxiety & repetitive patterns, energy blockages, karmic & emotional issues.


Our Holistic Approach


Hypnotherapy is the art and science of developing an awareness of your thoughts so that you can recognise negative thinking patterns and limiting beliefs, which hold you back. It helps you see things with a fresh perspective, think positively and rationally and use your mind for your benefit.

Life Coaching is a transformational process which empowers you and helps you identify strengths, develop them, and identify personal and professional goals. Life Coaching initiates the process of change and sets you on your journey of understanding yourself, your mind and emotions.


Reiki Healing

Reiki is the fundamental Life Force of the Universe. Reiki works in a deep gentle way for healing at all levels- body, mind and spirit. It is an intuitive method of healing and can never do bad, it works for the highest good for people.

Chakra is a Sanskrit word, which means a wheel. Chakras are spinning wheels of energy. They are centers of activities which receive, gather & express the life force energy. They are completely responsible for a person’s physical, mental, emotional & spiritual well-being.

Chakra Healing

Emotional Freedom Technique

EFT or emotional freedom technique is a universal healing tool which provides highly impressive results for our physical, emotional & performance matters, it can be called “psychological acupressure” but uses finger tapping instead of needles.

An ancient Chinese healing therapy that targets blockages in the flow of one’s Chi, to eradicate illness or discomfort from the body. It is particularly effective in the relief of stress-related ailments and preventive health care for boosting the immune system.


Therapeutic Yoga

Yoga therapy utilizes Asanas (the physical postures), Pranayama (breathing exercises), meditation and visualisation to benefit and improve overall health.
Therapeutic yoga is an inherently holistic approach, simultaneously working on the body, mind, and spirit.

Color therapy is an alternative therapy that uses colors and their frequencies to heal physical and emotional problems within the human body.
For instance, if you’re stressed, color therapy can help soothe you so that you can regain your psychological balance.

Color Therapy


What Others Say?

Manjuu Kalra

Dr Babita ji You are the best.I really appreciate your help so much,very grateful to you for perfect Aura Scanning.Awesome ????????????

Garema Gaba

Very grateful for this session with Babita Ji gave me clarity and I felt very happy and blessed to connect with Babita Ji, every one should experience this at least once to get clarity in their life.

Supriya Saraswat

It was a very good session, felt at ease and the readings were quite accurate and to the point. Babita ji is a beautiful soul. Thank you so much ????????????????

Narender Yadav

Thanks you baabita ma’am, I never thought in my dreams that I would be in the report when I did the live session or when I was watching, the report was very super, this was super duper too, thanks you ma’am. Very wonderful session ???????? thanks so happy …..


I did a 21-day mediation with Babita and it was an enlightening experience. Babita is full of light, joy, wisdom, and grace! “
Thank you!

Paula B - North Carolina USA

Working with Babita is JOYFUL! I’ve been studying Reiki and Meditation with her. Babita’s commitment to being in service to love and transformation creates miracles every day… with grace and gratitude.

Neerja Bhatia

In the last 30 plus years, I have attended numerous retreats and sessions for personal development. While each experience has been valuable, the genuine love and care I have encountered with Dr. Priti and Babita are humbling.
Both Priti and Babita are delightful and inspiring to work with. The shifts I have experienced in my outlook have been profound.I would recommend Dr. Priti and Babita for meditations, hypnosis and Karuna Reiki.

Mansi Malik

I started my journey of spiritual understanding in 2017 . I got a chance to learn Reiki with Babita ji and Dr Priti in May 2021 . It was indeed a very comfortable experience with clear and simplistic understanding . I went on to learn the second level and Angel reiki . I am very happy with application of these in my life . Most importantly I cannot forget the care and concern Babita ji showed during my month long illness . Apart from sending Reiki she motivated me and helped me come out of my illness with ease . I am thankful to both of them for being my Reiki gurus ??

Sunita Sri Ram

Mrs Babita as a reiki guru helped me overcome my weakness and boost my confidence. I left highly relaxed and grounded after my first session with her. I really enjoyed? my Reiki session with Mrs Babita and feeling much better since my second session. She has such a calming presence and make me mentally, emotional and physical strong.

Your outlook on life is amazing. I love ?the way you bring out the best in me. You are a gift to everyone you meet. I enjoy spending time with you. I really appreciate your help. Thank you?

Seema Dhankhar

It was excellent experience with Mrs Babita ji as reiki guru who helped me with ease and boosting my confidence whenever I needed the most.I really acknowledge motivational and healing skill of Babita ji and thank her from bottom of my heart for guiding me to know myself.

Upasna Khanna

It was such a warm experience to have a session with Babita Ji. The session uncovered so many sides of me which i was not aware of and had it in my sub concious mind. She helps to see the life with new colors. Thank you ?

Ananya Kajla

It’s the feeling of calm that gets all the right nerves going. To experience that feeling please visit Mrs Babita . It helped me attain a certain sense of calm.
Positive energy and a feeling of calm are just few things but there is a lot more to learn is why I’m continuing the healing.

To learn ANYTHING we need to believe in OURSELF and the PROCESS. Nishbad healing will help you through the process of getting to know your self just a little better.
The feeling of getting to know yourself is said to be most pleasurable.

I have had an amazing experience with her and alot of people around me as well.
Love the enthusiasm and authenticity and the fact that we never stop learning.


I stumbled upon Nishabdh healing while fulfilling my quest for spiritual knowledge.

It was a profound experience meditating with Ms. Babita & Dr. Preeti. The most surreal experience was to learn self-healing. It has not only added meaning to my life but has also made me tap my potential.
Words won’t suffice to justify what I experienced. If you are reading this and are interested in spirituality, take this as a sign. VISIT!

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