What according to you is the most important thing to lead a happy life?
Is it Money, Power, Fame, A Big House, A Better Car?
We do need all of these things to satiate our feelings of worthiness but the one necessary thing that we need to lead a happy and peaceful life is ‘Balance’ – both within and with the outside world.
We need balance in all aspects of life like work, fitness, family, relationships, etc. but how do we create balance when it comes to our physical body? What happens when our body’s energy is not in sync? What can help you have a good synergy within yourself so that you can have better experiences with the outer world?
The answer to that question lies in our body and it is called ‘CHAKRAS’.
The chakras are seven energy spinning wheels that go up and down the spine. The first is placed towards the base of the tailbone, while the last is just above the top of the head. Each chakra occupies a distinct place and serves a distinct function. When your chakras are aligned and well active, your energy becomes contagious, you become a happy, peaceful and vibrant being.
Chakras are also called the ‘Human Energy System’. They are facets of our awareness. They assist us in comprehending the close interaction that exists between our awareness and our bodies, also known as the mind-body relationship.
Chakras are ‘regulators’ that have an impact on every area of our bodies and have even been linked to diseases.
Each chakra has a five-part influence: emotional, energetic, physical, psychological, and spiritual.
Physical and psychological problems can arise when our chakras are out of balance i.e., either they are overactive or underactive.
Although there are 110 energy centres in our bodies, only 7 have been universally accepted as main chakras.
Each chakra is connected to a particular colour (i.e., green, yellow, purple).
The 7 Chakras
Let’s first try to understand the basics of the 7 main chakras and then dive deeper into how to align them so that the ultimate pure healing energy, called ‘Prana’ can flow freely around us and within us, to keep us healthy, happy and vibrant.

The Root Chakra, also known as Muladhara, is located at the base of the tailbone and houses our basic intuition. It is our survival centre and is referred to as the first chakra since it is the first section of the spine that is formed while we are in embryos.
This energy centre is linked to safety, security, and basic requirements. This chakra, like the roots of a plant, serves to ground us.
When it’s blocked: A variety of ailments can occur from blockages, including anxiety disorders, fears, or nightmares. Physically, the first chakra is associated with problems in the colon, with the bladder or with lower back, leg, or feet issues.
The root chakra, like any of the chakras, can be underactive or overactive. Underactive means it’s closed or blocked in some way or not spinning properly. In this case, we may feel anxious, insecure and unsafe and as a result, be ungrounded. If overactive, it’s as though the energies are working overtime and too attached to the physical and material world in unhealthy ways.
An overactive root chakra manifests itself in overindulging in bodily pleasures like food or sex, becoming overly connected to money, and an obsession with feeling safe.

Svadhishthana or The Sacral Chakra is the energy centre that is all about self-expression. It is literally translated as ‘dwelling place of the self.’ I call it the ‘seat of the self’ as it deals with one’s sexuality, creativity, or emotional statements. It is located above the pubic bone and below the navel.
You’ll feel wonderful when your sacral chakra is aligned: you’ll be kind, enthusiastic, and successful, as well as trigger sensations of wellness, abundance, pleasure, and joy.
When it’s blocked: Your sacral chakra may be misaligned if you’re feeling uninspired creatively or have emotional instability. This can also be linked to physical sexual dysfunction, as well as feelings of dread of change, depression, or addiction-like behaviours.
When underactive, it may cause low libido or hormonal and fertility issues. When overactive you may suffer from addictions, and can also experience lots of emotional fluctuations from big highs to lows, like an emotional rollercoaster.

The third chakra, also known as the Manipura or the navel chakra, is your centre of personal power. It is connected to your self-worth, ambitions, desires, and actual intentions. It also serves as a storage space for your intellect and ego.
When it’s blocked: You may suffer from low self-esteem, have difficulty making decisions, and may have anger or control issues. It’s not just feeling bad about yourself, but also may lead you to outwardly express apathy, procrastination, or that you’re able to be taken advantage of easily. You may also possibly have a tummy ache of some kind such as digestive issues or gas.
A blocked solar plexus chakra will make us struggle with self-doubt and our most authentic selves. Signs of an overactive solar plexus include a rampant ego—being power-hungry and egotistical, resulting in manic behaviour and hyperactive energy.

The heart chakra also called ‘Anahata’ represents where the physical and the spiritual meet and as its name implies, is all about love. It’s the spiritual awakening to awareness, gratitude, forgiveness and service. It’s believed that when your heart chakra is aligned and balanced, love and compassion flow freely—both in terms of giving it out and getting it back.
When it’s blocked: A blocked heart chakra can cause grief, anger, jealousy, fear of betrayal, and hatred toward yourself and others. When underactive, we may feel emotionally off and find it difficult to get over past experiences, hurt and we may feel stuck. As a result, it may become difficult to offer and receive love, negatively impacting our relationships.
We may become too loving if it is overactive. This may cause being overly dependent, needy, jealous and possessive, with a lack of boundaries.

The Throat Chakra, also called Vishudha is the first of three spiritual chakras and is the powerhouse of communication.
Other chakra centres help you figure out what your truth is, but this vortex lets you express it. You’ll be able to tell others how you feel, listen well, and share feelings when this chakra is aligned.
When it’s blocked: In the case of an underactive throat chakra, you may find it hard to truly express yourself. This may cause you to literally swallow your words, and in turn, swallow your true feelings.
You may also find it hard to pay attention and stay focused, or fear judgment from others—which can further hinder your ability to keep it real. Physically, this blockage can manifest itself as a sore throat, thyroid issues, neck and shoulder stiffness, or tension headaches.
An overactive throat chakra may include talking too much, being overly domineering in conversations, and being overly critical or judgmental of others.

The third eye or Ajna chakra is actually your sixth chakra, and it governs your intuition—plus the ability to recognize and tap into it. The third eye is also considered to be in charge of everything that happens between you and the outside world, acting as a link between them. It allows you to see the big picture by cutting through the fog of illusions and drama.
When it’s blocked: You may have trouble accessing your intuition, trusting your inner voice, recalling important facts, or learning new skills.
We may over-intellectualize things and try to ‘figure things out if our energy centre is underactive, which can leave us feeling overwhelmed and fatigued, as well as isolate us from the power of our own intuition.
A third-eye blockage is associated with a broad range of issues, including depression, anxiety, and a more judgmental attitude. Physically, it may manifest to cause headaches, dizziness, and a slew of other brain-health issues.

Sahasrara, or the ‘thousand petal lotus’ chakra, the crown is the centre of enlightenment and our spiritual connection to our higher selves – the divine. It is our link to the entire universe and all around us, including our pure awareness.
When it’s blocked: An underactive crown chakra may let us feel apathetic and listless, almost energetically numb and impart a sense of disconnection which results in a lack of direction and purpose in life.
An overactive crown chakra often manifests as a desire for material belongings which never seems capable of being satisfied. Greed, superficiality and arrogance often result in a disconnection from others as well as the universe.
Balancing the 7 chakras
While each chakra has its own set of characteristics, they are all supposed to work together as a whole. That is to say, if one is out of balance, it has an impact on the others.
So if you have signs of multiple blocked chakras, just know that it’s totally normal and feel free to connect with us to heal and align all of them at once, creating a clear channel for prana to flow from head to toe.